Luminous Circle

Augmented Reality Applications

Augmented Reality (AR) is a technology that overlays digital information, such as images, videos, or 3D models, onto the real-world environment, typically viewed through a smartphone, tablet, or AR-enabled glasses. Unlike virtual reality, which creates entirely artificial environments, AR enhances the real world by adding virtual elements to it.

Here are some benefits of using augmented reality:

The AR glasses can be used with corrective glasses. Voice control allows completely hands-free operation.
During a call, the Expert can easily send or share any appropriate documents to the worker with a single click.

AR Assist was specially designed for use in remote areas and has minimum requirements to the internet connection.

The ability to record via AR glasses or a mobile device all sessions with automatic saving to the organization's cloud storage.

Several experts can simultaneously join the call and look at the problem through the doctor’s AR glasses and provide their guidance..

Our platform allows the Expert to see the working site through the    remote worker’s AR glasses or smartphone camera. In the process,   the expert can add various markings to the display.

The ability to integrate with HIS , ERP  SAP , and other application by using API.

Overall, augmented reality technology offers numerous benefits across various industries, including retail, marketing, education, maintenance, and navigation, by enhancing the real-world experience with digital information and interactivity. AR has the potential to revolutionize how we interact with the physical world and create new opportunities for innovation and engagement.

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Energy & Utility

Augmented Reality Applications